1. European Solidarity Centre
JIt is the only place of this kind in Europe, which not only commemorates the fall of communism, but is also situated near Gdańsk Shipyard, where the decisive events of Solidarity movement took place.
2. Monument to the Fallen Shipyard Workers of 1970
The monument commemorating the victims of the 1970 Polish Protests, which took place in December 1970, is situated just in front of the entrance to the premises of Gdańsk Shipyard. The monument is 42 meters tall and is famous for the fact that the colleagues of the fallen shipyard workers held long debates concerning erection of the monument with the authorities of the communist regime. In the end, they managed to win the dispute after 10 years of negotiations.
Gdańsk Shipyard
Gdańsk Shipyard is one of the largest shipyards in Poland. A walk across the wasteland of the shipyard can take you to another dimension. The huge production buildings, where one can find the remains used to construct ships and famous cranes, truly resemble an excursion off the beaten track.
4. Fort
Nowadays, it is considered to be the best beauty spot in the town. Nobody needs to be guided to find this place. The Millennium Cross, situated at the very peak of the hill, is perfectly visible during the daytime and at night, when it is brightly illuminated.
5. Hewelianum Centre
The old fort, situated on the hillside of Góra Gradowa, was chosen to be the location of the science center. Walking along its historical corridors and halls, we can watch interactive scientific exhibitions, whereas the light illuminations emphasize the unique architecture and interior design of the monument.
6. The Museum of the Second World War
This modern museum houses historical materials dating back to as early as the First World War. The collection should allow you to become entirely familiar with particular stages of the conflict and go on a fascinating military trip. Additionally, it must be remembered that the vicinity of the museum is also worth seeing. Stop for a while at the Radunia Canal, among the beautiful buildings and developments, and admire the breathtaking beauty of the landscape.
7. Limestone Bridge
This distinctive bridge is situated just at the mouth of the Radunia Canal. As one of few monuments in Gdańsk, the bridge survived the war activities in 1945 intact. Looking around the surroundings, one can see Ołowianka Island, the building of the Museum of the Second World War, as well as new housing estates towering over the Motława River.
8. The Great Watermill
The watermill, which belongs to one of the oldest structures in Gdańsk, dates back to the 14 th century. It is not only the building which deserves some attention, but also its surroundings, which are extremely popular among tourists. Walking around the monument, it is difficult to believe that it is situated in the very center of the city.
9. Jan III Sobieski Monument
Jan III Sobieski Monument presents the triumphant famous Polish king, riding on horseback, who notched up a glorious victory over the Turks at the Battle of Vienna. The intriguing story of the monument recounts that the monument was primarily situated in Lvov, which belonged to Poland at the time. Once the city was lost, the monument was transferred to Warsaw, and subsequently moved to the square in Gdańsk.
10. Ołowianka Island
The island aspires to be a unique place among Gdańsk locations. The building of Polish Baltic Philharmonic, which illuminates the city panorama every evening, is situated on the island. Right beside the concert hall, you can walk along Bursztynowa Promenada Gwiazd [Amber Promenade of Stars] and listen to a music fountain, whereas just round the corner visitors can admire the distinctive architecture of the granaries, which will take on a trip across the course of history.
11. SS Sołdek
SS Sołdek is a ship mooring proudly just on the shore of Ołowianka Island. It is practically impossible not to spot the ship. Being the first seagoing ship built completely in Poland after the Second World War, SS Sołdek is the real pride of the Polish shipyards. The ship is available for visitors all year round.
12. The Crane
The real icon of Gdańsk is situated at the very bank of the Motława River. In fact, it is a perfect excuse to have a stopover while walking between the colorful tenements. One should look inside and see the technological solutions dating back to the Middle Ages.
13. Granary Island
It is an avant-garde place, where famous Klub Morza ‘Zejman’ [Zejman Sea Club] is located. Not only will you listen to sea shanties here, but it is also a place for listening to good music in general and, above all, a place where delicious beer is served.
14. Long Riverbank
The promenade runs along the Motława River. The restaurants of the most renowned Gdańsk restaurateurs are located here. It is highly recommendable to drop by for lunch or just one espresso, which you can drink while reading morning press, simultaneously gazing at passenger ships moving languidly through the Motława River.
15. St. Mary’s Church
The biggest church in Europe built completely in brick is located in seaside Tricity. Apart from the priceless monuments dating back to the Middle Ages, the basilica features a soaring tower, from which tourists can see the Baltic Sea.
16. St. Mary’s Street
There is no similar place in the world. The cozy street, fully pedestrianized, is an alley of the amber stalls, restaurants with excellent wines and a true retreat, which, in summertime, stands out against the surroundings because of the colorful flower garlands.
17. The Coal Market
Targ Węglowy is going to greet you first, just before entering famous Długi Targ [Long Market]. The place is gripping due to its architecture, i.e. Baszta Słomiana [the Straw Tower] and Dwór Bractwa św. Jerzego [Court of the Fraternity of St. George], and this is actually the place where the city fêtes and fairs take place, whereas the café parasols are unfurled right next to Teatr Wybrzeże [Wybrzeże Theatre].
18. Golden Gate
Entering Długi Targ [Long Market] from Targ Węglowy [the Coal Market], we need to go under Golden Gate, which is one of the most precious monuments of Gdańsk. One should, above all, pay attention to the sculptures, coming from Piotr Ringering’s chisel, standing on the balustrade and to the Latin motto carved out from the side of Długi Targ. The titbit is that allegedly a spelling mistake was hidden in one of the words in the sentence.
19. Uphagen’s House
Uphagen’s House presents a journey to the times of the previous splendor of Gdańsk. The building is situated in Długi Targ and is the only tenement in the Main Town available to visitors. The tenement features the décor of a flat dating back to the 18 th century, which belonged to a merchant family enamored with sumptuousness and luxury.
20. Long Market
This is a must-see place on the map of Gdańsk. It is Długi Targ where you find Neptune's Fountain, the Town Hall, and at the very entrance you walk under Golden Gate - a real gem of Tricity’s monuments, where local sellers tend to lay out colorful flowers almost all year round.
21. Fahrenheit's Thermometer
It is a household name. Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit was actually born in Gdańsk and the residents of Gdańsk erected a structure referring to the meteorological columns originating from the 18 th century as a tribute and form of commemoration to the inventor.
22. Neptune's Fountain
It is probably the most famous monument in Gdańsk and the main attraction to be encountered while walking in the Main Town and Old Town. Neptune's Fountain attracts tourists from all over the world and is a prime example of mannerist art, which means that we will discern its well-conceived form and beauty of the sculpture regardless of the place from which we observe it. As the Kashubians say, everybody who is visiting Gdańsk must kiss the sculpture below its back.
23. Prison Tower and Amber Museum
Worldwide unique, the foregate area towers over Golden Gate and the Coal Market. It is one of the first structures to be spotted while walking across the Main Town. It used to be one of the strictest prisons in the 17 th century. Yet, the prison nowadays houses exhibitions showing the greatest treasure of the Baltic Sea - amber.
24. Old Suburb
An ideal place for a hike around the districts of Gdańsk, where historical architecture fits into the beauty of the natural and picturesque terrain. Different in terms of the architecture, the vicinity features ruins of the oldest structures in Gdańsk. It is also here, on the border of Old Suburb and Lower City, that we can enter the beauty spot called Żubr Bastion.
25. Kieturakis Hospital
Another attraction of Gdańsk located off the beaten track is situated in the surroundings of the Lower Town. While visiting Kieturakis Hospital, you will feel the atmosphere of thrillers, as well as you will admire the court architecture dating back to the 19 th century. You had better hurry up, at least to see the outer part of the building, as the hospital is soon going to be transformed into a hotel complex..
26. St Catherine’s Church
Gdańszczanie mawiają, że dopóki stać będzie Kościół Św. Katarzyny, dopóty stać będzie Gdańsk. Jest to najstarszy kościół w mieście powstały w XIII wieku, a jako budowla przeszedł ze wszystkich najwięcej trudnych momentów. Ma za sobą zawalenia, pożar wieży, II Wojnę Światową, sztorm, czy nawet pożar. Kościół stoi jednak do dziś. Zachwyca barokowym hełmem na szczycie wieży, minimalizmem protestanckich wnętrz i instrumentem muzycznym do gry na 49 dzwonach: carillonem. Zaiste prawdziwa perła gdańskiego Starego Miasta.
27. Kościół Św. Brygidy
Kościół Św. Brygidy zaistniał w historii Gdańska jako azyl duszpasterski dla ruchu Solidarności. Niegdyś zakon brygidek, w czasach stanu wojennego ważny punkt oporu przeciw reżimowi komunistycznemu i wsparcia działań członków Solidarności. Do dzisiaj pozostaje ważnym miejscem, dla bohaterów tamtych czasów.
28. St Nicholas’ Church
Jest to jedyna świątynia w Gdańsku, która ocalała oblężenie radzieckich żołnierzy podczas II Wojny Światowej. Miejsce szczególne w lokalnej społeczności, ponieważ zakon dominikanów bazyliki czynnie działa na rzecz pomocy potrzebującym. Budowla skrywa cenne zabytki okresu średniowiecza, renesansu, baroku i rokoka. Jej wyjątkowa aura daje odczuć się wszystkim odwiedzającym.
29. Observatory
Obserwatorium znajduje się na Starym Mieście między Muzeum II Wojny Światowej a Galerią Madison. Podobno jego początki miały miejsce od wskazania na niebie gwiazdy Wega, co stało się inspiracją do kształcenia zapatrzonej w nocne niebo gdańskiej młodzieży. Jako ośrodek naukowy proponuje liczne warsztaty oraz spotkania dla wszystkich pasjonatów astronomii.
30. Old Town Hall
Dziś Ratusz pełni funkcję Nadbałtyckiego Centrum Kultury, gdzie spotykają się artyści różnych sztuk. Muzycy, malarze, aktorzy, rzeźbiarze wystawiają tutaj swoje dzieła. Nie bez przyczyny to właśnie ten budynek stał się ich forum. Ratusz w okresie renesansu został wzniesiony w stylu niderlandzkiego manieryzmu i samą swoją formą przykuwa uwagę turystów.
31. Ołowianka Island Footbridge
Przeznaczona dla pieszych kładka została laureatem konkursów mostowych i znacznie ułatwia zwiedzanie miasta, a przede wszystkim pozwala szybciej dostać się na malowniczą wyspę Ołowiankę. Kiedy już przez nią przejdziesz, przespaceruj się wzdłuż północnego brzegu wyspy – miejsce malownicze, a znane nielicznym.
32. Fish Market
Podczas Jarmarku Dominikańskiego Targ Rybny staje się wymarzonym miejscem dla różnych kolekcjonerów oraz amatorów pchlego targu. Poza sezonem spotykają się tutaj miejscowi oraz turyści, aby na leżakach delektować się nadmotławskim widokiem. Jest to idealny punkt, który pozwoli poczuć genius loci Gdańska.
33. The Polish Baltic Philharmonic
Prosperująca od 1945 roku orkiestra Państwowej Filharmonii Bałtyckiej doczekała się w końcu przepięknego budynku, który wieczorem cieszy oczy spacerowiczów chadzających wzdłuż brzegów Motławy. Architektonicznie urzeka, ponieważ projektanci wykorzystali budynki zabytkowej elektrowni i dostosowali je do potrzeb Filharmonii; muzycznie zachwyca, ponieważ odbywają się tu koncerty wybitnych muzyków, którzy niekiedy koncertują tuż nad wodą, rozkładając instrumenty na motławskiej promenadzie.